20 Best Origami Learning Blogs and Websites in 2024

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The best Origami blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.

Origami Blogs

Here are 20 Best Origami Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Origami.me Blog

Origami.me Blog Blog featuring incredible origami galleries with work by awesome paper folding artists, news, events, book reviews and much more. Website for anything and everything related to paper folding. Learn how to make origami with free instructions, videos, diagrams & more.
Blog origami.me/blog
Facebook Followers 19.4KTwitter Followers 2.1KInstagram Followers 1.1K Frequency 4 posts / month Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. Origami Spirit

Origami Spirit Are you looking for a creative and mindful practice to have joy, relieve stress, and be part of a community? Origami Spirit help people interested in origami to master their skills and creativity with paper folding by sharing resources, techniques, and community so that they can use origami for self-expression and as a teaching and therapy tool.
Blog origamispirit.com
Facebook Followers 22.2KTwitter Followers 1.8K Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 48 Get Email Contact

3. Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog

Helen Hiebert Studio | The Sunday Paper Blog Where Paper Comes Alive through Art, Collaboration, Education, & Innovation. Helen Hiebert Studio's mission is to share and expand the love of hand papermaking and paper crafts with newcomers and to expand the knowledge of experienced artists through artwork, online and in-person classes, retreats, videos, how-to books, a blog and a podcast.
Blog helenhiebertstudio.com
Facebook Followers 3.9KTwitter Followers 254Instagram Followers 6.8K Frequency 1 post / week Since Jan 2012 Domain Authority 34 Get Email Contact

4. Setting the Crease

Setting the Crease I am Peter (wonko) Whitehouse. I have been folding Origami since first introduced to it as an 11 year old who was entertaining a house guest at the time. Always on the look out for new designs, this blog will hopefully capture some interesting models. Key models discussed are animal, blarg, domestic, plant, and geometry.
Blog wonko.info
Twitter Followers 149 Frequency 4 posts / week Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

5. OrigamiUSA

OrigamiUSA OrigamiUSA is the American national society devoted to origami whose mission is to share the joy and appreciation of paperfolding, preserve its history, nurture its growth, bring people together and encourage community among paperfolders. Find an origami group near you or read their online magazine for more diagrams and great articles.
Blog origamiusa.org
Facebook Followers 14.4KTwitter Followers 84Instagram Followers 8.8K Frequency 4 posts / year Domain Authority 48 Get Email Contact

6. Solving Origami Tessellations

Solving Origami Tessellations Exploring origami tessellation and the art of geometric paper folding. Reverse engineering tessellations, folding crease patterns and inventing new origami tessellations.
Blog solvingorigamitessellations.com
Twitter Followers 953 Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 1 Get Email Contact

7. Easy Paper Origami

Easy Paper Origami Covers Paper-made flowers, crafts, roses, airplanes, and butterflies. At Easy Paper Origami, you will find tutorials on all kinds of origami paper things.
Blog paperorigamitut.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 7.3KTwitter Followers 96 Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 3 Get Email Contact

8. One Fold at a Time

One Fold at a Time Get the Latest folding innovations and explore a vast library of mind-blowing Origami ideas from One Fold at a Time. Jorge C. Lucero, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Brasília, eagerly shares his passion for origami in all its forms and delves into crease patterns, and reviews the latest mindblowing applications of folding technology.
Blog onefoldatatime.com
Frequency 2 posts / month Domain Authority 1 Get Email Contact

9. Origami Tessellations | Geometric Paper Art

Origami Tessellations | Geometric Paper Art Explore origami tessellation and the art of paper folding. Blog posts cover stories, crease patterns, and tips for folding & reverse-engineering hundreds of different origami tessellations.
Blog solvingorigamitessellations.com
Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 1 Get Email Contact

10. Origami Expressions

Origami Expressions Stay Up to Date with Origami Expressions for more ideas on what to fold, reviews, origami resources and instructions. If you're new to origami, or you've tried it and got confused by the diagrams, the terminology, or it's looked too complicated - this blog is for you.
Blog origamiexpressions.com
Twitter Followers 1.6K Domain Authority 29 Get Email Contact

11. Origami Maniacs

Origami Maniacs This blog was created with the purpose of sharing different origami designs created by famous origami folders around the world. Key topics covered are x-mas decorations, origami flowers, little kids origami, kusudama, japanese style origami and 3D origami.
Blog origamimaniacs.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 33.5KTwitter Followers 410 Domain Authority 32 Get Email Contact

12. Abrashi Origami School Blog

Abrashi Origami School Blog Blog for those who are willing to put an extra effort to understand origami theory, to understand the idea behind origami. We cover a range of topics, including origami basic, advanced origami, box pleating, polygon packing, and circle packing.
Blog abrashiorigami.com
Facebook Followers 104Twitter Followers 204 Domain Authority 6 Get Email Contact

13. Paper Kawaii

Paper Kawaii Here you'll find origami instructions, diagrams, photo & video tutorials.Learn how to make cute origami boxes, envelopes, flowers, books, bows, hearts, animals, stars, & more!
Blog paperkawaii.com
Facebook Followers 29.4KTwitter Followers 3.4KInstagram Followers 22.7K Domain Authority 52 Get Email Contact

14. Red Ted Art's Blog Origami

Red Ted Art's Blog Origami The aim of the blog is to inspire you to have a go and get crafty with Origami, inspire you to try out something new with Origami and to Help you explore Great Artists and Origami community.
Blog redtedart.com
Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 14.7K Domain Authority 65 Get Email Contact

15. Tinygami

Tinygami Miniature origami artist Stacie Tamaki creates tiny paper cranes and more.
Blog tinygami.wordpress.com
Facebook Followers 685Twitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 3.4K Domain Authority 9 Get Email Contact

16. Kade Chan Origami Blog

Kade Chan Origami Blog Kade Chan is a professional origami artist who specializes in designing origami monster characters at Hong Kong. He had obtained a lot of awards in different international origami competitions.
Blog kadechan.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 9.5KTwitter Followers 201 Domain Authority 24 Get Email Contact

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